

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Mom Corps You

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Mom Corps YOU. I received a free trial to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

When I had Fallon I had already been out of work for the whole pregnancy and didn’t go back until she was 4 months old. I loved that time with her but I knew I needed to get back into the workforce. Not only for me but also to help my family with income. I was recently asked to be a part of Mom Central’s campaign for a company called Mom Corps You. It helps moms who want to get back to working.

After taking a look at it for a while, I really wish I would have known about this site long ago. It has so many resources and helps women in so many ways, it’s truly awesome.  One good thing is that I’m not working now due to my hip, but when that’s fixed I will be going back and I will definitely be using this site to help me. In the mean time I can have it help me in other areas as well.

Mom Corps You has this awesome section on insights. It has a ton of different threads just to help with day to day things that us mom go through. For example recently there was a thread titled “Get a good night’s sleep: Tips for you and your family.” I don’t know about you but on nights that I don’t sleep well, then the day isn’t fun for me or anyone. One of the tips was to give your bedroom a makeover. Making your room dark and quiet helps, or if you live in a big city use a white noise machine to block out the loud noises. They also recommended establishing a regular routine. Now I know that isn’t possible for everyone especially if you have a few kids that are on a different schedule but it can help some.

Mom Corps for me is more than helping me get back to work, it’s about balancing my work life and my home life of being a working mom. Some have the blessing of being able to stay home and be with the kids. If you’re not one of those and want some advice and someone to listen then MomCorps is a great way to get that. Not only are there articles to read but there are also webinars that you can attend. There are so many options and benefits that Mom Corps You offers that it is worth the cost of the membership. 

Right now Mom Corps You is offering an annual price of $99.99 (regularly $149) or $19.99 a month. Go today and sign up and I hope you have a great experience like I have been.

Disclosure: The above item was received in order to facilitate review. I have not been compensated for this post. The Nurse Mommy blog will always provide honest opinions, beliefs or experiences on products reviewed. We will only recommend products or services that we feel are of benefit to our readers. If you have any questions, please contact me at Katrina.gehman {at} gmail COM The disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. 

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