

Friday, July 3, 2009

I am sooo exhausted!

I haven't been getting my required 8 hours of sleep for days now and Jim wanted to go out with his coworkers tonight. It was definitely fun, but I couldn't stop yawning. I really need to get on here and write a few more reviews and give aways but have NO energy, so I am promising myself I will get at least something up tomorrow since Jim is letting me sleep in! Sweet hubby huh?? We are also on call this weekend and it being a holiday weekend it's a little busier than we are used to. I just hope tomorrow goes smoothly so we don't miss the fireworks!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya woman! I finally just got my rear in gear and did a couple more reviews, lol. Thats awful nice of your DH to let you sleep in........MUST BE NICE! lol
