

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gift in a Jar Week Four: M&M Cookies

• 1 wide-mouth quart canning jar
• 1 1⁄4 c sugar
• 1 1⁄4 c M&M’s
• 2 c all-purpose flour
• 1⁄2 t baking powder
• 1⁄2 t baking soda

Mix Flour, Baking Soda and Powder. Layer M&Ms, flour mixture and sugar in Jar packing each layer firmly

Top each Jar with a fabric and place ribbon with these instructions on each jar:
Empty jar of cookie mix into a bowl, blend thoroughly.
Add ½ cup of butter (softened), 1 egg and 1tsp vanilla. Mix until completely blended.
Roll into 1 inch ball and place on an ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake at 375 until edges are lightly brown (about 12-14 minutes)
Makes 30 cookies


  1. These look really good! I know a couple of people who would really like these, myself included.

  2. yea this is the one I got all the ingredients to make for people....I think its just so I can steal some M&Ms when I make it lol
