

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where has Paige been?

Well, I will tell you. I have been exceptionally busy and tired, thats where! So, you all know about the new place. We moved in last weekend. Loving it! The extra space is wonderful, and it is just much nicer. It helps that they painted me an accent wall. Its this mustard yellow which might not sound nice to you all, but I adore it. It matches my furniture and decor so nice! Here is a BLURRY picture for you all. I have no idea what went on with my camera settings for this one:

I also had a photography class last week which makes the last picture even more shameful haha!! Hey, I have had ZERO time to practice what I've learned...

and even more exciting news, I started a new job!! I am still going to do the home health PRN, but I found what might be my dream job, and if not the experience is excellent. The place I am now working is sort of like a daycare for very sick kiddos. Most of them have had heart surgeries, brain surgeries, or have been born with some serious chronic illnesses. The place I now work is like a one stop shop where they get nursing care, day care for the parents, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and even one on one class time with a teacher! Its really an amazing program, and the kids make me smile. A few have even wormed a special place into my heart already. I started this week and worked W, Th, Fri 6am-6pm! I'm pooped now! The experience for me is excellent because in home health I was not learning much and felt I did not know as much as I should have as a nurse. Now, I am getting real hands on experience that I love. I will say this week has been hard on me because I missed my little man. I have not worked full time since he has been born and it killed me being away from him. I will be back to part time next week though.

The other thing is, today is me and my hubby's 6 year anniversary!! Wow....6 loooooooong years. :-) We have been through a lot together, and I love him for that.

Anywho, thats why this poor little pitiful thing called a blog has been slacking. I do have a few contests and giveaway I need to do, and I plan on getting at least one done tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how exciting! I'm glad you like the new house and the new job. That's great! Happy anniversary!
