

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What do YOU want to see on The Nurse Mommy?

We are interesting in knowing what our readers would love to see more of? What kind of products do you want to see? Any suggestions or ideas to make this blog more successful, or that would make you love it more?


  1. I like the reviews and giveaways, but what I truly like is the personal posts.
    Just my opinion.

  2. toys and gifts suggestions for special needs children and adults. Something to encourage them to use their fine motor skills. Head sets to help with kids with sensory issues with loud noises. Any recipes for kids with juvenile diabetes would be so helpful, and more of your personal posts.

  3. thanks for the suggestions ladies....I have been soooo busy. Soon I will be going back to my part time schedule and will have more time for personal posts. Working full time and being a mommy take a lot away from my blog :)

  4. I love cloth diapers and quick and healthy menus!

  5. Quick and healthy menus, and also

    elaborate, yummy, UNhealthy menus!
