

Monday, May 7, 2012

Cesar Offers The Best Small Dog Treats!

I have two very old dogs. Kramer is now 13, and his health is slowly declining. Not only is his vision going, but he is also deaf and losing teeth. Because of the loss of teeth it makes it hard on him to enjoy treats like he once has. Layla is approaching 10, and though her health is a lot better than her fur-brothers, she is a Chihuahua and her mouth is just not big enough to enjoy many of the treats you find in stores. These dogs have brought me years of joy, and of course are a part of our family, and because of this, I like to reward them with a snack once in a while. Kramer has been a grouchy old dog for years, but he loves me and I love him- he is truly the most intelligent dog I have ever met, and in his day, quite comical. Layla is the princess.....I came up for her name after Princess Laia, and she has held true to that title. She expects to be treated like a queen, and has demanding it from day one. However, she is a very friendly dog for a chihuahua, and every person who meets her loves her!

 Recently Cesar offered to send me Cesar Cookie Crunchies for my dogs to try out! Layla just adores them, and Kramer likes them once in a while. Usually he is too worn out to enjoy the treat though and just goes and hides it in a corner (he sleeps most of the day anymore)- where Layla quickly stalks him and steals it! While I was trying to get a picture of Layla and her treat, she made it almost impossible! She was jumping around and squealing in delight. My furbabies deserve the best and Cesar provides that for them.If you have a small dog, or a dog with chewing difficulties you should definitely check out Cesar's because they offer the best small dog treats. I know my little guys are forever thankful for Cesar providing us dog biscuits they can enjoy....well....they are as thankful as a dog can be. What is even better, is that each little treat, which is just the right size for my little furbabies mouth, is only 5 calories so I do not need to worry about making them obese by rewarding them! Cesar definitely gets a 5stars in our family. 

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Cesar and received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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