

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Our Little Bean is Due Sometime Mid-January :)

 We had our first ultrasound, and baby is meausring a little bigger than we thought....11 weeks. We still are not changing the due date, even though I am only supposed to be 10 weeks. Either way, we are having a baby sometime in mid-January and we could not be any more thrilled! Heart beat was 176 beats per minute, and to see it kicking and squirming on the screen was amazing. I forgot JUST HOW amazing the first ultrasound can be.


  1. A big congrats to you! I wish you and the baby all the best.

  2. Best wishes!

    I can't wait for your updates on how the 'bean' is doing.

    We have a little girl due on July 9th.

    I won't lie, with this extreme heat I am SO ready to be done with the pregnancy.

    Best of luck with health and happiness for all of you and your family!
    {webleane atyahoo dotcom}


  3. Congratulations! So exciting! I loved being pregnant.. =)
