Hi Michelle,
Thank you for writing us. We apologize for the missing Petites Frites bib! Unfortunately we don't have the bibs readily available to ship to you right away. However there is some good news :) We would love to send you a full size package of Icky Bibs as well as a mOmma sift spoon!!
Thanks again for your patience and we will ship your package first thing tomorrow morning!
So here's the items I received:
mOmma Soft Spoon
designed for those littles that have a fisted grab on their utensils, those that are first learning how to self-feed. Nugget is quite a bit past this stage, so I am a little bummed about it, but maybe we'll re-gift this to someone. We'll see! :)
Icky Bibs in Rocket (boy) print.
They're disposable bibs that are compostable and break down quicker than typical disposable bibs in the landfills. At first I was kind of bummed about these, but I'm not all super "boy/girl" and like gender neutral type stuff, so I can get past the fact they are a boy print. Also, they're eco-friendly and if I was still composting (insert super sad face), these would be a perfect addition. So, these will make their way into the diaper bag for when we go out to dinner as a family :)
So, despite the fact I'm a little bummed by the replacement items, I'll still give January's Bluum box a win. Customer service has always made a great effort to replace boxes that are messed up.
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Disclosure: I purchased this subscription and have received it for many months, BLUUM is not a sponsor of this post. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may differ from yours. Links enclosed may contain affiliate links.
Love the spoon! That would be an awesome trick for introducing new foods.