Are you thinking about starting a
new career or advancing your career, but
you’re just uncertain as to what you want or where to go? Years ago,
our grandparents would tell our parents that we just needed to work
hard, and they were able to have successful careers without college
degrees. Now, with our generation, our parents have told us that
as long as we worked hard, went to college and that you could get a good
job. These days, it’s pretty much imperative that you have that degree
in order to go anywhere in your career. With all the changes and
uncertainty in this economy, there are few fields in which you can expand
your education. By continuing your education, gaining additional
degrees and expanding on your level of expertise, you’re ensuring
job security for yourself and your family.
I went back to school a few years ago.. I went to a traditional technical college, which required me to attend courses on campus. One major problem was that fitting courses in between my work schedule, while still being able to earn the income I desperately needed. At the time, I was a single mother of a toddler, and being mom, employee and student were extremely difficult to juggle. At times, I felt that I was short-changing one to give to the other.
Fast forward 7 years, and it was time for a career change. I decided to go back to school; however, I was working full time, the typical 8-5 job. There absolutely no possible way I could perform well with my job, while completing traditional courses, give my family the time they deserved and enjoying daily life. Something had to give, so I choose to online coursework. I loved it from the start. Some of the best parts were that most of my courses allowed my to work at my own pace, watch lectures online at my own time (oftentimes at night when my children were sleeping), and best of all. I could “attend class” in my pajamas. In the future, I know that if I decide to advance my career further, it will be online. It was by far, the best school experience that I have ever had, and I even felt like I learned the material better when presented online. Not only that, being able to participate in online courses allows schools to keep overhead costs
down; hopefully, in turn, keeping educational costs down.
career field these days that’s ever evolving is the medical field. There
are so many levels of expertise, so many opportunities to grow and
expand your knowledge. A degree in any field in medicine is huge. You’re
given flexibility to go anywhere in the country with it to practice,
giving your family flexibility to move if one partner doesn’t
have such a flexible line of work. To advance in many position,
you need additional education and oftentimes degrees for those
positions. With more and more applicants vying for positions to
advance these days, you need to have the upper hand. There are new medical facilities evolving, expanding and developing almost daily. With these new facilities, there is a huge need for skilled medical professionals. Most importantly, in order to run these new facilities, nursing, therapy and health administrators are imperative. Why wait until you’re tired and bored of your current position and start gaining that additional education to be able to make those changes when you’re ready. You can earn your health administration degree in the comfort of your own home, on your own time, and hey, let’s be honest, in your pajamas. Most online programs are from accredited institutions receiving Title IV funding. This means they offer
financial aid programs, including scholarships and grants, to help you offset the cost of advancing your career.
So, what are you waiting for? Hop online and get started on advancing your career and get a health administration degree today!
advance these days, you need to have the upper hand. There are new medical facilities evolving, expanding and developing almost daily. With these new facilities, there is a huge need for skilled medical professionals. Most importantly, in order to run these new facilities, nursing, therapy and health administrators are imperative. Why wait until you’re tired and bored of your current position and start gaining that additional education to be able to make those changes when you’re ready. You can earn your health administration degree in the comfort of your own home, on your own time, and hey, let’s be honest, in your pajamas. Most online programs are from accredited institutions receiving Title IV funding. This means they offer
financial aid programs, including scholarships and grants, to help you offset the cost of advancing your career.
So, what are you waiting for? Hop online and get started on advancing your career and get a health administration degree today!

Disclosure: This is a
sponsored post. I was paid for this post, all the opinions are mine. The Nurse
Mommy blog will always provide honest opinions, beliefs or experiences on
products reviewed. We will only recommend products or services that we feel are
of benefit to our readers. If you have any questions about this review please
contact me at Katrina.Gehman {at}
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