The finality of the decision to not have anymore children is one that is not easily made. As much as I know 3 kids is plenty and will complete our family, part of me knows that having this done will be hard on me emotionally. I feel like I have spent so much of my adult life either trying to get pregnant, being pregnant or taking care of babies. This is my 5th pregnancy, our first 2 babies were lost to miscarriage, so I feel like deciding to never become pregnant again is such a huge decision. But, alas, me and my husband have made this decision and feel confident in it.
With this decision comes a lot of moments that make my heart ache. Every movement I feel in my womb reminds me that soon he will be in my arms and I'll never feel those little thuds again. When he gets the hiccups, I just stop what I am doing and marvel in rhythmic little jumps coming from my growing baby. Each time I am asked if I am going to 'try one more time for a girl', and I reply that no we are done after this one, I am astonished at the confidence in my voice. But in my heart there is a tinge of sadness that I can feel. I can't really explain it. I don't want any more kids, but just knowing that I will be 'DONE' is hard to accept some days. But for now, I am enjoying the last weeks of my last pregnancy...
Despues de dar a luz, y tener a nuestro bebe en brazos, los incomodos malestares del embarazo se olvidan. Un hijo es la bendicion mas grande para una madre. Te deseo mucha suerte! Dios te bendiga a ti y tu bebe, para que todo salga bien.