

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Boomchickapop growing your own popcorn

I buy popcorn, as I think most people do. I have never thought about growing my own popcorn. Earlier this year I was able to try Boomchickapop and it was so good. Not only can you buy their popcorn but you can also grow your own.

I was given a few bags to plant. Living in Wisconsin, weather doesn’t give us a chance to plant early.  For Boomchickapop I was supposed to start by planting by May 1st, but that wasn’t possible since the ground was still go hard.

We did however get everything planted. We even put a little fence around the garden to help keep the animals out. We also put some hoses in there so on the dry days we can water very easily. Unfortunately the little rabbits didn’t care about the fence and came in anyway.

Some of my corn is still growing but very slow but the rest are gone. I have received some tips from planting things they like in a different area so they go there and not the main garden to putting up cages around the plants. I also heard of planting flowers around.

So next year I am going to try again. I am determined to get this corn grown at some point. Like I said above, I live in Wisconsin, so my time frame for growing things is pretty limited due to our insane weather.

If you enjoy gardening, I would recommend trying these seeds out yourself. I’m sure family and friends would be pretty impressed when you give them popcorn and say that you grew it all yourself.

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