I am not pregnant....yet but I hope to be soon! I recently received a few fabulous products that I know will help me immensely when I am eventually pregnant. Healthy Mama sent me the eaZZZe The Pain, Tame the Flame and Boost it Up for me to review.
Two of the biggest issues that pregnant mothers have is aches and pains and sleeplessness! I know with each of my boys I would lay awake for hours with my lower back killing me, and just watching the clock tick by! That can be a miserable time, especially when you have other children at home and you know you have to tend to them in a few hours! eaZZZe The Pain is designed with this in mind and it contains acetaminophen and Diphenhydramine to allow you to relax and gently drift off into sleep! At only $9.99 for a 40 count bottle, it is a steal and works amazingly well! Even though I am not pregnant, I often have sleepless nights and this helps me so much!! It also gets rid of the annoying shoulder pain I am plagued with!
With my last pregnancy it was especially important to me to keep my protein up! You see, I had just had weight loss surgery about seven months prior to getting pregnant and I was having a hard time keeping enough protein in! The Boost it Up drink would have been perfect for me to help boost my energy and just keep my protein levels where I needed them to be. Its tastes pretty good, and it has added ginger to help with an queasiness you may be experiencing! The B Vitamins are a great pick me up and the electrolyes are perfect to prevent the terrible leg cramps many pregnant women are plagued with!
Heartburn! It was one of the worst problems I had during my last pregnany. Yuck! I would wake up in the middle of the night with acid reflux and be scrounging for a tums in the back of my cabinet! Next time I get pregnant, I am not prepared with Tame the Flame! These fabulous tasting minty chewable tablets really cut down on the acid I have from time to time. They are also a good source of calcium. They are a new favorite of mine and will be kept at bedside when we are lucky enough to conceive baby #3!
All in all, Healthy Mama has some amazing products! I cannot wait to try the be well rounded prenatal vitamin! In fact, it is on my shopping list next pay day!
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