

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Little Debbie Snacks Giveaway

Easter is almost here, are you looking forward to all the delicious treats? Little Debbie has some fun designs available for Spring - you will see everything from Easter Egg Brownies to Easter Basket Cakes! I know my family loves seeing the different varieties for the season smile emoticon Little Debbie is also celebrating Spring with a HUGE Outdoor Happiness Sweepstakes, there will be 34 winners, and the Grand Prize is an Outdoor Play Set! Enter the Little Debbie Outdoor Happiness GIVEAWAY Now, how about a giveaway right here? That's right, one lucky winner will win a CASE of Little Debbie Snacks filled with a variety of delicious treats! The Prize Pack will include a random combination of the following snacks:

  • Butterfly Cakes (Chocolate)
  • Marshmallow Puffs (Spring)
  • Marshmallow Treats (Spring)
  • EASTER BASKET CAKES cakes (Chocolate)
  • EASTER BASKET CAKES cakes (Vanilla)
  • Easter Egg Brownies
  • Apple Fruit Pies
  • Cherry Fruit Pies
  • Red Velvet Cakes
Hungry yet?? smile emoticon Well, here's how to enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please like us on facebook so you can get updates, new giveaway listings, and more

I have not been compensated for this post. Top Notch Material blog will always provide honest opinions, beliefs or experiences on products reviewed. We will only recommend products or services that we feel are of benefit to our readers. Top Notch Material is not responsible for prize fulfillment; sponsor will be responsible for prize fulfillment. This event is in no way associated with, sponsored, administered, or endorsed by Facebook, Twitter, Google, Pinterest or any other social media network. If you have any questions, please contact me at katrina dot gehman {at} gmail com. The disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


  1. My favorite are Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. Love Little Debbie snack cakes too.
    Every year we celebrate Easter by gathering at my sister's house for a large feast and Easter egg hunt. Thanks.

  2. We like having those tiny Reese's eggs on Easter
    {in the contest I am Margot Core on the Rafflecopter}

  3. My favorite easter snacks is jelly beans. I can only find the good ones around this time of year.

  4. the easter egg hunt is a given for sure. thankyou, ken

  5. One of the things I like to do on Easter is to have scavenger hunts where the grandchildren go and look for clues to fine their baskets, I love Little Debbie Swiss Cake rolls and they are frequently in our family Easter basket

  6. We love to have a table of snacks out all day for Easter, my favorite is veggies and hummus.

  7. My favorite Easter Snack is Reece Peanut Butter Eggs and the Easter Egg Brownies!!

  8. I like deviled eggs at Easter.

  9. Favorite tradition is making Easter chocolates.

  10. I like Brach's classic jelly beans.

  11. Mmmm, Baby Binks!! We fight over them in our house :P
    And my Mom-Mom makes AMAZING chocolate peanut butter eggs. She really should sell them...

  12. I love meeting with family for Easter brunch!

  13. My favorite Easter treat is Cadbury Cream Eggs.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hiding the Easter baskets is my favorite tradition even though my kids are not little anymore!

  16. I love coloring easter eggs with my kids. My favorite easter treat is egg custard pie.

  17. My favorite is the annual picnic and Easter egg hunt!

  18. I love making the baskets for my kids (Laura DeLuca)

  19. We love to decorate eggs with our granddaughter. And love making an Easter basket for her, too.

  20. Coconut Cream Eggs are my favorite!

  21. Love going to mass and then the whole family getting together for a feast of good eating and celebrating. I love those little Peeps. Seeing the grandkids squeals of delight over their Easter egg hunt.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  22. Making Easter baskets for my grandkids.

  23. Got to have my Cadbury Cream Eggs for easter!

  24. Deviled eggs for me :) and anything sweet for my grandson :)

  25. Favorite Easter snack - jelly beans

  26. We love making resurrection rolls for dinner, also decorating eggs and Sunday services.

  27. I don't know if I have a favorite easter snack. I like having decorated eggs, peeps and a bit of chocolate, although I often regret gorging myself with snacks.

  28. My favorite tradition is the easter egg hunt, and doing a mix of real eggs and the plastic eggs with chocolate treats in them!

  29. The easter egg hunt is my favorite tradition. Just make sure they all get found!

  30. The easter egg hunt is my favorite tradition. Just make sure they all get found!

  31. Now that my kids are grown, we don't have many traditions for Easter except going to church together.

  32. Jellybeans and Marshmallow Puffs are my favorite Easter treats!
