We live in a very rural area, as I have mentioned here before. I honestly did not have high hopes for the school when my son started, but decided to give it a try for one year and place him in private or home school if we needed later. As it turns out, even though this small, rural school does not have a lot of funds to offer it's students the best and newest curriculum, they try really hard to individualize and teach to every students potential!
I always knew my son was a little quirky, and definitely bright, but I never suspected to hear that his 1st grade teacher thought he might be gifted and suggest testing for him. Come to find out, he tested as highly gifted, and I was just blown away. I was blown away that I did not recognize it myself, and that this small little school was able to offer him so many different educational program options to help him live up to his potential and not fall between the cracks.
The way this school handled my son has made me fall in love with this little town and this school. It makes me want to do all I can to help the school with the funding that it so critically needs to help students that fall outside of the "norm." So when I heard that I can nominate my school for the Tyson ™ Project A+ I jumped at the change to help this wonderful school, who truly care about ALL of their students! You see, by signing my school up for this, for every label that Tyson ™ receives, they will give our school $.24! This money can really add up, and there are even schools listed on the site that have received over $3,000! This money can go to the extras that schools could not normally afford like computers, band equipment or even new books for the library!
I want to give back to our little school, and I know this is one small way that we can! Simply by clipping the labels and turning them into the designated person at the school, we can earn our schools hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year! If we all just chip in and help, we can really do great things for our schools, and in turn for our children and their education!
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