Teleflora’s Garden Pitcher Bouquet fro #OneToughMother
I just started back to school! Say what?! Can I really do this? I am mom to three, and already have a good career as a registered nurse, but here I am, showing my kids that you should follow your dreams! My dreams have been to be a teacher for some time, so I am jumping in, head first and teaching them if you put your mind to it anything is possible! That makes me, and countless other moms like me #OneToughMother! My own Mom worked hard for me and my sister and taught me how to be a mom to my own children.
I would not be half the mom I am without her and to show her appreciation for that, I just had her sent Teleflora’s Garden Pitcher Bouquet. This Bouquet is so beautiful and really makes her dining room pop and brought such a smile to her face!! If you have a Mom, Mother in Law, or friend that you think needs to be appreciated, consider a beautiful vase from Teleflora! We might say that we do not want the money spent on us, but truthfully, ladies...we all know we REALLY do!!
Fill mom’s heart by honoring her timeless devotion with this charming
2-in-1 gift she will
cherish. A luxurious mix of rich lavender roses and chrysanthemums,
fragrant white lilies and eucalyptus is hand-delivered in a tall, rustic
Provencal-style water pitcher (FDA-approved and food safe) that is
perfect for mom’s springtime
What I love even more is that my Mom now has a beautiful pitcher that she can use for decorations or to house more flowers when she gets them. The colors in the bouquet are beautiful and the pitcher will be a lasting token she can keep forever! She was very thrilled to receive this special treat that she does not get enough!
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