I have always taught my children to show compassion, to help others, pay it forward so to speak. It’s easy to help family and friends, which we do a lot of. I also try and show them to reach out to strangers and do something nice, hold a door open smile. It doesn’t always have to involve money. Smiling at someone can improve their day more than we think.
There are so many different beliefs out there, and I respect them. This post is not intended to push anything onto you, but to share one viewpoint.
Each year the Mormon church celebrates Christmas. They take 25 days and do different things each day. They also believe that “Since a new star first appeared above Bethlehem, Christmas has been a season of light, reminding us that Jesus Christ is the light of the world. Together, we can celebrate His birth by making the world a brighter place. All we have to do is follow Him—His life, His example, and His teachings. In doing so, we can help #LIGHTtheWORLD.”
Day 16 speaks to me and my family as we really teach compassion in my house like I mentioned above. Day 16 is Jesus showed compassion and so can you. Matthew 14:14 “And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.”
My job as a blogger gives me the opportunity to give my children opportunities I normally wouldn’t be able to give them. At the same time, it blesses me to give back to others. This year, I have had so many companies contact me to talk about their products. There are too many for my kids to keep. So, I decided that I would take these extra products and sponsor a few families. This isn’t to boast about my job, or success. It’s to share. There are families out there that have nothing. I’m able to share what I have and help these families have a very special Christmas that they very much deserve
What can you do to give compassion? You can see the whole month and what each day is what, and what you can do. No matter what we believe in, I’m sure we can all do a little something to #LIGHTtheWorld.Please like us on facebook so you can get updates, new giveaway listings, and more
Love this!!❤️