

Saturday, January 28, 2017

$75 Teleflora GC Giveaway

$75 Teleflora GC Guest Giveaway

Ends 2/6 US Only

Sponsored by Teleflora and Hosted by Powered by Mom

Love's Passion Bouquet by Teleflora

Steal their heart this Valentine's Day or any day with this majestic mix of classic red roses, tulips and white lilies, hand-delivered with love in their exclusive blown glass vase. With its graceful twist and rich red hue, it's an unforgettable symbol of your love. •This passionate display of red roses, red spray roses, red tulips, and white asiatic lilies is accented with red leptospermum, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf.

Teleflora's Shining Heart Bouquet

"A gift with heart! Adorned with a shimmering rhinestone heart and luxurious satin texture, this elegant ceramic keepsake stands out from the rest. What a stylish way to surprise your beloved with a beautiful bouquet of red roses and purple alstromeria. " •This radiant bouquet includes red roses, red spray roses, purple alstroemeria, red carnations, red miniature carnations, purple stock, accented with lavender limonium, huckleberry and lemon leaf.

Teleflora's Swirling Heart Bouquet

Make a sweet statement this Valentine's Day with this charming stoneware cube, filled with a burst of red and pink roses arranged in a chic ombre style. With its artisanal reactive glaze and intricate heart design in low relief, the cube is a gorgeous keepsake they'll adore forever. •Dark pink roses, red spray roses, dark pink carnations, and light pink miniature carnations are accented with fresh variegated pittosporum.

Teleflora's True Lovelies Bouquet

Make their heart dance with this delightful mix of romantic red roses and delicate pink alstroemeria, hand-delivered in their pretty pink vase! Adorned with a sweet "loved" message in golden metallic script and a soft, blush-pink glaze, the thoughtful piece is a playful keepsake they'll love for years to come. •This fun mix features red roses, pink alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and lemon leaf.

Valentine's Day Bouquets!

All Valentine’s Day 2016 bouquets are available for sale now at in standard, deluxe or premium size options. The only problem you may have is choosing from all the lovely bouquets!


One lucky reader will win a

$75 Teleflora Gift Code + Free Shipping!

Giveaway ends 2/6/17 at 11:59 pm ET! Open to US & Canada residents 18+ and older.
Enter using the Giveaway form below.
Be sure to return tomorrow to complete the daily entries!
Good Luck!

Please like us on facebook so you can get updates, new giveaway listings, and more

Top Notch Material is not responsible for prize fulfillment; sponsor will be responsible for prize fulfillment. This event is in no way associated with, sponsored, administered, or endorsed by Facebook, Twitter, Google, Pinterest or any other social media network. If you have any questions, please contact me at katrina dot gehman {at} gmail com. The disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


  1. I can not get flowers I am allergic to them. But I love sending carnations to my Daughter in law she loves them

  2. I would have to say tulips.

  3. I love sunflowers and roses. I just love flowers!!

  4. I love fresh roses!


  5. I like getting a bunch of lilacs in the month of May.

  6. Tulips are my fave, but I like red roses too.
