Your Child is Worth the Investment with Florida Prepaid #startingisbelieving
I have shared before, but here I am sharing again because I feel this is SO IMPORTANT to share with you! Florida Prepaid is the way to go to plan for your kids financial future. I realize raising kids is expensive, and hard work, but this is one thing that you definitely need to invest in. I get it, I totally do. We have THREE kids, and the oldest is 9. Considering he will be an early to graduate because of his birthday, we only have 8 more years to plan for his college. Thankfully because of birthday money and other stuff we have saved, we do have what I would say is approximately a year of university saved for him, but that wont go too far and that year will be over quickly! We have now signed him and his two younger siblings up for Florida prepaid. We can only afford to do one year university for each child at this point through Florida Prepaid, but that is one year closer to getting towards our goal of having the bulk of their college paid for.

You might not know what the program is all about. There are so many different options to choose from. You can purchase one year of community college, one year of state college, two of each, or all four years! You can do this with monthly payments or you can do this by paying in bulk, and the cost will be set at today's rate rather than the rate it might be in ten or even 18 years. What
is better is the kids have up to 10 years to use this after their
projected start date. That is amazing because it took me until I was 21
to get serious about college, so I know that might happen with them as
well. Everything my husband and I read told us we had to do this. We
never thought in a million years that we would be able to afford this
program for THREE kids at once, but we are just paying for one single
year of university at a time for each child. My oldest might not have
his entire education paid for by the time he gets there, but luckily we
do have some money put aside in an account and we can at least get him
two years of university paid for, and that is a big help!! My younger
two should be completely paid for by the time they get there if we just
keep plugging along! It is exciting to us to know that we can afford and provide a valuable education for our kids.
My kids are worth it, and I know yours are too! Be sure to follow Florida Prepaid on their social media accounts to learn the newest they have to offer for you and your child.
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