$75 Teleflora GC Guest Giveaway
Ends 2/7 US and Canada
Sponsored by: Teleflora Hosted by: Powered by Mom
Read Powered by Mom's review on her beautiful Swirling Desire Bouquet HERE.
Teleflora has beautiful bouquets arranged by your local florists. With thousands of florists in both the United States and Canada, we can almost guarantee that there is a Teleflora florist near you! They offer same day delivery and have an arrangement for any occasion you could think of! With Valentine's Day coming up soon it's a wonderful time to start thinking about giving your loved one a beautiful Teleflora arrangement. They produce a beautiful arrangement to satisfy anyone's floral preferences. You can't go wrong with a Teleflora arrangement this Valentine's Day or any occasion.
One lucky reader will win a $75 Gift code to Teleflora (Valid thru 2/12/2018) PLUS FREE delivery!
Giveaway ends 2/7! Open to US & Canadian residents 18+ and older.
Enter using the Giveaway form below.
Be sure to return tomorrow to complete the daily entries!
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the true romance bouquet of red roses for my wife she would love these
ReplyDeleteI like the mad crush bouquet!
I would love the Enchanted Cottage.
ReplyDeleteI'd like the Young at Heart bouquet, of course!
ReplyDeleteHugs and kisses
ReplyDeletei like the Passionate Purple Tulips
ReplyDeleteI would choose the Teleflora's Rose Classique - Dozen Red Roses
ReplyDeleteTeleflora's Desert Sunrise Bouquet is so pretty i would love one
ReplyDeleteI would choose the Full Of Love Bouquet! Love it!