

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Monday Mingle

1. Men: When your spouse asks you "how does this outfit make me look" - how do you respond?
Ladies: Do you really want him to answer honestly?
2. Both: What is one thing you should always do to keep your spouse/partner happy? What do you do/say to avoid friction in your relationship?
3. Both: What were the first thoughts about your spouse/partner that came to mind when you first met him/her?
4. Both: What is your favorite physical feature of your spouse/partner?
5. Both: What are the key ingredients to a successful marriage/relationship?6. Are you ready for more Speedy Cop movie quotes?

Sorry my camera ran out of space at the end and cut me off! :)

Okay having some technical difficulties. Click HERE to see my mingle


  1. Lovely mingle. Thanks for joining in. Sorry to hear bout your camera. Silly tech difficulties.

  2. It was fun to see you Paige! You are not alone - it seems that almost everyone had difficulties with their mingles this week - including me!

    You sound like a no-nonsense kind of woman - I like that!

    I hope you got wee one to bed finally LOL.

    Thanks for mingling!

  3. My hubby and I met online first too and then talked on the phone a LOT! Wish we could have met him, but probably better to let him sleep!

  4. Ha ha...all our problems start with men! So sorry the hubs didn't make it. Good to see you again Paige!

  5. Glad to see you back, even if your hubby couldn't join in. Sorry you were having camera/tech issues, I know what a pain it can be!

  6. honesty, smiles and more honesty seem to be a theme in the mingles today.. nice mingling with you.

  7. It was wonderful to see your MM today. You have such a calming and mellow tone about you and it's obvious that you care for your hubby very much!

    We will just have to imagine what he looks like and perhaps another time we can meet Mr. man!

    Have a lovely Thanksgiving!

  8. Great Mingle... You look so adorable and I love your smile, sorry we didn't get to meet your hubby, but he really needs to get his sleep. I've worked the night shift and it can wreek havoc on your body, so when you are sleeping, stay sleeping!
    Wish we could have seen Lil' Man, too.
    Hope you and your family have a happy, healthy, and safe Thanksgiving!
