

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cool Contest from Baby Cribs Plus coming soon!

I was recently contacted to review a site that offered the coolest baby cribs around, and man looking around that store makes me so nostalgic! I remember when I first found out that I was pregnant; I was in LOVE with the CoCaLo Baby Tropical Punch bedding set if I ended up with a little girl. Well, instead, we ended up with a little boy so out went the pinks and oranges and in came the blues and greens…but it was fun looking! Ahhh, I am reliving that taking a look around this store…and it ALMOST makes me want another little one…ALMOST!

Anyway- in the next few weeks I will be offering a giveaway from that store, of an item that I think every child needs in their room for a little while. Be sure to check back soon to enter!!

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