

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Infantino helps make fresh baby food easier!

Back when little man was a baby, I tried my hand at making his baby food..but I found it so tedious and time consuming. It involved mixers, recipes…and one impatient mom. Now, things are getting so much easier. I wish I had half of the products then that I do now. Infantino sent me several Annabel Karmel items to try, and recently my best friend and I tried our hand at making baby food for her baby!! Wow….as I said, super easy. If I had had these tools when little man was a baby, he would have never ate jarred baby food.

Mash and Serve Bowl:
Ever been eating anything that your baby absolutely wanted a bite of? Now, if that happens. Simply take it to the kitchen and out comes the mash and serve bowl. Put your fruit or veggie in the bowl and mash it. Its super easy….nothing at all tricky about it, and even I, the anti-Martha Stewart could figure it out! It is also BPA free and dishwasher safe!

Fresh Food Mill:
I found this one really FUN to use. That’s right…FUN! Get creative, mix flavors for a fresher, safer..healthier alternative to jarred baby foods! It’s great for the baby that is just starting to need more substance to their diet…kind of like Stage three baby foods. I was also thinking this is the perfect item at my job working with medically fragile kids. Many of them need pureed food, and this is a great alternative for those mothers!

Freeze Tray:
After you have had a blast in your kitchen making these fantastic FRESH BABY foods, you might need a place to store it. When you store it this way, you only have to cook once a week or so…so this saves time, which is something every mother needs more of!
Check out the entire line of Annabel Karmel products at Infantino!
“I am a participant in a Mom Central Consulting campaign for Infantino and have received various Infantino products as part of my participation.”

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