I was recently lucky enough to receive the Clic It Diaper Bag for review! This bag is the absolute coolest. It is incredibly functional and convenient! You can watch just how functional this bag is for yourself:
Even though I do not have a infant, I have already found this bag to be incredibly functional. As you Moms of toddlers know..that even though we are past the infant years of burp cloths and bottles…we still have to pack a bag for most of our trips. Little man still needs sippy cups, and toys, and a snack…so I use the main part of this bag for those items. As much as I love this bag for myself, my nephew will be having a baby this spring and I know I will be passing this bag on to his girlfriend. It is sooo functional and easy to use…even for a Mom who needs everything and feels like she has to pack the kitchen sink to leave the house.
The Clic-It bag is very well priced and amazing quality..I anticipate it lasting me a long time…and THEN being a hand me down to my family!
Check out the Clic-It site for yourself. This bag makes and amazing Baby Shower Gift!
Disclaimer: I received my own Clic-It bag from Team Mom and Clic-It for consideration for this review.

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