

Friday, November 26, 2010

CSN Stores makes me one happy mama this Christmas season!

Do you see this old worn out chair? Looks like something that needs to be in the dumpster right? see, most kids have a security blanket. Not my little man…nope. Not him. He has a security chair. This bad boy is his lifeline to all the television watching, lunch eating pleasure a 3 year old can get. If I told you how much I have spent on replacement chairs you would laugh at me. All he wants is “my blue chair and little table” Others are too soft, not the right height…just not as perfect as this one. A bolt is loose, the chair is a little wobbly…and at two years old, this after summer sale special I picked up to go on the patio…has just worn out his lifespan. I cannot find the same chair anywhere (if any of you moms spot one, please let me know!)

Little man has a surprise coming though ladies…and this one I am excited about because I KNOW this chair is the ultimate chair to finally replace the old, wobbly lawn chair! This bad boy is deluxe!! I just received little man’s Santa gift…..FROM CSN store!! Made my day, and if he takes to this chair like I KNOW he will…it will make my YEAR! This chair will look so much more attractive in my living room…is the PERFECT height for little man’s table, and is STURDY. I’m not sure if I mentioned it on here or not, but little man is BIG. I mean, big…as in they suspect he will be 6’5” as an adult BIG. Right now, he is weighing in at a whopping 50lbs…so he can be hard on children’s furniture, but he is not match for this chair. It is sooo solid, and feels extremely comfy. Obviously…I cannot sit in it and try it out…but it is very soft with a foamy cushion. The wooden frame is what gives this the added support. Yes, I would definitely recommend the X Rocker Khaki Fabric Urban Kiddy Recliner if you are looking for a chair to fit in with the adult living room design but still be comfortable and functional for your little one!

CSN Stores offers super-fast shipping, and also makes your holiday shopping easier! Anything that has a snow flake is guaranteed to be delivered by Christmas….and almost all items are FREE SHIPPING (including the fabulous recliner!)
Disclaimer: I received $55 towards my purchase of this recliner from CSN for consideration of this post. My thoughts and opinions are completely my own.


  1. How nice! I love the recliner. Looks really comfy! I am your new follower. You can follow me back at Make sure you leave a comment so I know you visited.


  2. Hi Paige . . . thanks for following my blog . . . I'm following you back :-)

    I'll be checking out your giveaways . . . I am becoming addicted!

    Have an awesome week . . . Gina
