

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We all need a little perspective sometimes...

and today mine came in the form of one man. I was feeling sorry for myself and missing my Daddy like crazy today. I was on my way to my patients house (whom I had never met)and sobbing to "Grandpa, tell me about the good ole days" when I pulled up to this mans house. He has been a quadraplegic almost half his life. He is in pretty rough condition, but you know what? This man was WONDERFUL. I stayed WAY past my usual half an hour visit, pushing 2 hours with him. We talked about life and laughed and laughed. He was just what I needed today, to make me stop feeling sorry for myself...and you know what? I think somehow, I was just what he needed today. Its amazing how God puts us in this paths when we need it the most!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder that sometimes all we need to spend is 'time' with others. I have a friend that passed away this week - I'm regretting that we didn't spend more time with each other these past few years...but I have some good memories.
