

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Whats new is Paige-land..

I just finished up my last week of working fulltime. I was helping them out for the past couple months until they hired new nurses. Boy...I am not really big on working full time-being a mommy and a blogger. I much prefer to work part time. Don't get my wrong the money was nice...but just not nice enough in my opinion!

As you can see I have asked a couple of friends to join the blog. Jamie is a friend from my Moms board. We have been friends since we both found out we were pregnant with our boys, and I was lucky enough to meet her in real life last March, and will be seeing her again at the end of the month. I feel lucky to call her a friend! I am hoping you are enjoying some of the things she is bringing to you. I know we have lots of cloth diapering Moms, so I bet you are!

Melinda is the other addition! She became my neice almost a year ago when she married my nephew. She has also become a friend in the process. I am also lucky to call her little mans babysitter when we need additional help. I love the items she is bringing you, because it is definitely a variety!

Another exciting thing coming up is that we will have a new look! I am working with a blog designer now, and she will also be offering a giveaway! How exciting right?
I am working on getting maybe one more person, perhaps someone who loves to cook and can share recipes. Honestly, I am not a huge cook...I get NO joy out of it at recipes are not my thing. Maybe soon we can get something in the works for you for simple easy meals.

On a personal front, all is well. Little man is now 3 1/2. I just don't know how that happened. It seems like he was just born, and now he is borderline genius (okay, so this Mom is a little partial) He has such a since of humor and loves to crack jokes. He is also HUGE! Weighing in a 52lbs and 42 inches tall...gone are the days that Mommy can lift him! Stuff is moving on the toxic drywall front...thats really all I can say for now, but as soon as we have a big breakthrough I will share it!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to hear all the wonderfully good things going on in your life. Working full time with kids is really horrible, I remember. I'm glad that you are done with that for now.
    Looking forward to reading posts by your new contributors, they sound fabulous.
