

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Summer Must!


Since its getting close to summer time I have been looking for some good baby/kids sunscreen for my 2 pale kiddos. My oldest is extremely weird about smells and it makes it hard to put anything on him. So finding an unscented sunscreen is important to me. Also he flips out if he can 'feel' anything on him. So a greasy sunscreen isn't one I want to use. I was so excited when Coola Baby contaced me! I was sent a tube of their Coolababy Mineral Sunblock.

This stuff is so great! It doesn't smell and it isn't greasy AT ALL. I love that its made with certified organic ingrediants. This is made for infants 6months and older and for super senistive kids/adults. I have to admit that I have tried it too because I have really sensitive skin. I had no problems with it and I am bad to break out from everything!

My oldest son didn't fuss at all when I slathered it on him and my youngest loves any type of lotion so he just loved it. This is one sunscreen that I plan to keep in my bag at all times to protect my little ones from the sun's harsh rays!

Here is a bit about the Coolababy Minereal Sunscreen:

COOLA MINERALBABY SPF 45 SUNBLOCK UNSCENTED is an all-natural hypoallergenic sunblock that is preservative and
chemical free. Created just for babies, this formula creates an evenly dispersed barrier on the skin that scatters and reflects
dangerous UV rays, providing UVA/UVB broad-spectrum protection immediately upon application.

I recieved the above product for my consideration during this review.


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