I had never heard of a Myachi before, but I had heard and seen hacky sacks in action in the past. The Myachi is much like a hacky sack but it is designed in a unique way that allows you to combine martial arts with the coordination of action sports. The design helps you have more control of the Myachi. Once you learn how to control the Myachi, there are so many cool things you can do! It also helps kids get great exercise while having a great time!
The Myachi is now becoming a worldwide phenomenon and children and adults alike are getting into the action of Myachi. We were lucky enough to receive an awesome green Myachi and also the battle paddle…which is another awesome way to play Myachi. It is also great for smaller kids because this ensures that you catch the Myachi every time…or almost! Though I think my son is a little too young to understand the Myachi and what it is all about, we really enjoyed playing with these and attempting some of the moves on the above video. We may have looked like a much klutzier version, it kept us moving and laughing! Great fun for all, but I would especially recommend this for boys 8 to 14. It just seems like something they would get a kick out of!
Myachi Battle Paddle Project:
Myachi is hoping to release the battle paddle to the public, however, it can only be funded if $2500 is reached by 11/2/11. For as little a $25 pledge you can receive you own battle paddle and other really cool stuff, though Myachi graciously accepts donations as small as $1!
Remember, No Palms Allowed!

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