I am a bit of a picture nut. I take so many pictures of my kids. My sweet husband bought me a Canon DSLR camera a few years ago. And it has fueled my obsession. I have looked online for good quality backdrops and I just discovered faux floors. I seriously DROOLED over some of the ones I ran across on Lemon Drop Backdrops & Floor Drops. I spent days of just looking through them several times. I honestly think the floor can make a picture. I love the faux wooden floors. But the backdrops on this site are really great too. I actually used to use cloth backdrops and I got a little tired of steaming the wrinkles out and when I discovered the vinyl drops I never looked back! Lemon Drop offers 100% CANVAS backdrops, Vinyl Canvas Blend and polypaper blend. I personally have not tried the canvas but I have tried the vinyl and I love it. I love how easy it is to set up for a photoshoot! I am in no way a professional, but I love to play around with backgrounds and lighting. I was able to get a picture of my bestie's little girl who had just turned 2! She was not feeling pictures on this day but she is such a pretty little princess. This background was from LemonDrop Backdrops and photographed well. I am very pleased with this backdrop. So for all you photog mamas out there: Check this site out and share it with your family photographer! And Like them on Facebook for special offers!

Note: I received a product for my consideration during this review.

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