

Saturday, June 30, 2012

If you do not want to know the gender, Twotara is for you!

Pink or Blue Ready for You!” 

As much as I would love to be one of those people that could wait to find out what I am having, I am just not that patient. However, I know some people are, and that makes it particularly challenging to purchase baby items during pregnancy. This has to be especially hard if the Mom or Dad is a planner and shopaholic like I am. I know with my son, I wanted to shop before we got the ultrasound at 19 weeks and I really got tired of green and yellow items, and looked forward to purchasing COLOR- well a different color anyway. 

A friend actually introduced me to a fantastic company called twotara which has this super cool concept that I have never heard of before. They offer REVERSIBLE, pink or blue sided clothes, booties, hats, and mitts! I think it is such a SUPER COOL idea! I was lucky enough to receive the newborn footie which I love. Since our bean will be born in January, we still do not know what it is. Now, with this footie, I have some color added to the yellows and greens, and am prepared for whatever the ultrasound says in a month. It is also a fairly thick footie (as it has two sides of fabric) so it works perfectly for our little winter baby, or even a baby born in colder climates- than let’s say, Florida- the Sunshine State! 

Yes, I am in love with this idea and this product. It is wonderfully well made, and I keep finding myself thinking, “WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT!” It makes the PERFECT baby shower gift for someone that does not know what they are having, or even a wonderful gift for someone who just found out they are expecting. Do yourself a favor and see what twotara has to offer!

Disclaimer: I received the items listed above for my consideration while writing this review.



  1. This is a great idea! We're not finding out and I am so tired of green and yellow already! Reversible clothing is genius and the styles are cute too!

  2. They should try a marketing campaign in my area--the hospitals around here won't tell you gender, even if you do want to know. (You'd think there'd be more gender-neutral baby stuff around because of it, but no.)

  3. Cute idea!
    I have to know in advance. I am a control freak like that, I guess.

    Our first two were boys. This new baby (due next week) is supposed to be a girl. I just thought for sure that it was another boy because of the way I am carrying. I hope the ultrasound tech wasn't wrong....

    These TwoTara outfits would solve that worry though, wouldn't they. Great review.

  4. I was totally not patient enough to be surprised! The clothes were a big thing for me too, I didn't want a ton of yellow and green clothes, so this is a great idea!
