This pregnancy I have craved frozen lemonade! I love the
stuff, and especially love to eat a cup of it in bed at night…however, for
whatever reason this has caused severe heartburn for me, and trust me waking up
at 2am with heartburn is no fun at all!! Especially when the heartburn causes
me to vomit! This has been a real issue for me lately and I have been pretty
miserable. At almost 36 weeks baby is putting pressure on everything…and yea, I
needed some help! Recently I was contacted by Fairhaven Health to review the
Pregease which helps with morning sickness and heartburn. Though I am unable to
testify to its results with morning sickness (since that went away about 20
weeks ago) I can tell you it has helped immensely with the heartburn and the
vomiting I have related to that! I can now enjoy my frozen lemonade and then
take the Pregease and rest comfortably at night. There has been a few nights
that I have forgotten the chewable tablets (which btw taste surprisingly good)
and have woken up in the middle of the night to take them! They have a very
quick result too, so there is no waiting hours for it to kick in.
I also love that the ingredients are natural!
- Vitamin B6: This member of the B vitamin family has been scientifically proven to reduce the severity of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, and is often recommended by physicians as a first-line treatment in the prevention of morning sickness.
- Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 has been shown to reduce vomiting in pregnant women.
- Calcium carbonate: Calcium carbonate is included in many over-the-counter antacid products and is well-known for its safe and effective heartburn relief
- Brown seaweed powder: Brown seaweed contains alginic acid, which is included in many over-the-counter heartburn relief products. Alginic acid helps to reduce the discomfort of heartburn by providing a barrier between stomach acids and the esophagus.
- Ginger root: Ginger root is included for its well-known ability to reduce nausea caused by motion sickness and morning sickness.
- Deglycyrrhizinated licorice root: Also known as DGL, this form of licorice root (which does not contain glycyrizzinic acid that impacts blood pressure) is known to soothe and heal the esophagus, thereby reducing the pain associated with heartburn.
- Lemon balm: This herb has been used traditionally as a digestive aid to help reduce nausea and other digestive discomforts.
- Amylase, lipase, and protease: These enzymes are included to help ensure that the food you eat is digested quickly and thoroughly, which can help reduce the symptoms of nausea and heartburn.
Win It: One lucky winner will receive Pregease from
Fairhaven Health!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I would also like to try the Nursing Blend- Breast Feeding Supplement!
ReplyDeleteI would love to try the LUNESS: REGULAR CYCLES, NATURALLY to help regulate my cycles.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna be greedy and say the Little Bundle for Couples! That looks awesome! I love that it would get him to participate as well. I know he would :)
ReplyDeletejaanabauman at live dot com
I would like to try Fertilaid for Women.
ReplyDeleteThe nursing tea sounds amazing.
ReplyDeleteThe nursing tea sounds amazing.
ReplyDeleteWould love to try the nipple nature balm...