

Saturday, February 16, 2013

40 Days 40 Bags

I have started seeing people blogging about '40 Days 40 Bags.'  I was curious so I looked it up.  It's a way to De-clutter your house! I am so in need of this.  We have been in our new house for about 7 months now and even with the purging of moving we still have a crazy amount of clutter!  So I am going to do this.  I will be posting before and after pics of the rooms I work on.  I made a list of rooms that I plan to tackle in this.  40 days sounds like a lot, and honestly I couldn't come up with 40 areas to declutter, but when broken down to one section of the house a day it's very doable! Here is my list:

  1-- Pantry
  3--Laundry Room Closet
  5--Office Desk
  6--Office Bookcase
  7--Play Room
  8--Eli's Closet
  9--Zack's Closet
  10--End Table Drawers in Living Room/Junk Drawer in Kitchen
  11--Master Bedroom Night Stands
  12--Master Closet --My Side
  13--Master Closet-- His Side
  14--Master Bathroom Vanity
  15--Master Bathroom Shower
  16--Spare bedroom Closet
  17--Storage Area 
  18--Laundry Room Cabinets
  19--Kitchen Drawers
  20--Eli's Toy Box in Bedroom
  21--Zack's Dresser
  22--Kids' Bathroom (vanity)
  23--Breakfast Table

    And here is my first picture

    I filled almost an entire trash bag of expired food and empty boxes.
    I am hoping this is a jump start my spring cleaning.  


  1. Love this idea! I'm kind of doing the same thing but only because we are moving in 2 months. I've dedicated myself to cleaning an area everyday. Can't believe some of the things I hold on to!
    Happy Cleaning!

  2. Oh my gosh, I need to do this. I hate clutter, but I have a tendency to get really cluttered. Systems like this really help me. Have you ever tried Flylady's weekly schedule? I use some variation of it to keep things tidy, but I slack off sometimes.
