

Friday, February 15, 2013

Inspire Your Walls

We recently moved to a new house in a new state.  The kids' playroom was a disaster because we had little storage or organization. I was desperately trying to find some kind of way to organize the crazy amount of toys my boys have accumulated in their short little lives! I was so excited when I found a website that had decals for toy bins.  Inspire Your Walls has some adorable wall decals but also some made just the right size for plastic toy bins.  I was even more excited to get to review them!

I received a pack of the Toy Label Decals.  I picked pack 1 that had some boyish looking labels. These were pretty easy to peel off and place on the bins. I do recommend READING the full instructions though.  Because it can make your life a lot easier when doing this.  I have been using these on the bins for several months and they are holding up great.  The playroom looks really nice and organized. I actually sent the extra labels that I couldn't use to my son's preschool.  My favorite logo was the lego one.

Another really cool thing about this company is that the decals come in pretty much any color.  I was able to match the toy labels to the color of our playroom.  There are some really cute chalkboard decals too. Like them on Facebook to keep up with all of the cool products they have.

Note: I received the mentioned product for my consideration during this review. 


  1. Ooo I love these! The owl is really cute!

  2. I love these decals! I've purchased the elephants, ducks and letters for our house!
