

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

How to "Sleep Like a Kitty" this winter

If you ask me, there's one thing in the world that there's just too little of, and it's not love. I'm talking about
S-L-E-E-P. I'm always trying to get more of it and make the most out of what little time I do get.

So I had a thought... why not ask someone who's truly an expert on the subject; someone who spends more time snoozing than most of us spend at work? I'm talking, of course, about Morris the Cat.

For those of you who don't know him – or who've let sleep deprivation cloud your memory – Morris is the iconic spokescat for 9Lives cat food and has starred in over 50 commercials. When he's not in front of the camera or chowing down on 9Lives, you can bet he's napping in his trailer, ahem carrying case.

He's taken time out of his busy schedule to answer some reader questions about the very im-purr-tant issue of sleep. What's more, he's offering fans the chance to win a Morris-shaped, human-sized plush bed AND a year's supply of 9Lives cat food. Just go to his Live Well & Prospurr website to enter.

Dear Morris,

I've been experiencing difficulties with falling asleep, tossing and turning once my head hits the pillow. I don't get it because I feel tired all day at work; then I come home, brush my teeth, flip on the TV, and just... lie there. I'm hoping I can learn from the expert. Morris, what am I doing wrong?

Sleepless in San Fur-nando

Dear Sleepless in San Fur-nando,

Your case, unfortunately, is not at all uncommon. When you're going all day long at the speed of a cheetah, it's no wonder your mind darts around like a red laser dot at bedtime. Luckily, as a cat, I spend up to 140 hours per week sleeping and I can tell you there is hope! For starters, I notice you mentioned turning on the TV before bed. Cats don't watch TV – this is partly because the majority of us can't speak English that well, but mostly because it interferes with our snooze time. Scientifically speaking, the 'glow' emitted by an electronic screen enters the brain and slows the release of melatonin, the hormone that helps us sleep. So next time you want to turn on the tube before bed, try counting sheep instead – or better yet, mice!

Kitty hugs,

Dear Morris,

I'm a cat but as you know, even animals have 'spirit animals.' Mine is an owl – a night owl to be exact. I love to play "catch the speck of dust" or "chase your tail in the middle of the bed" into the wee hours of the morning. My humans have no idea what they're missing out on. They just lay there snoring and swat at me when I come too close. How can I make them see that daytime is lame, and the real party happens under stars (the stick-on, glow-in-the-dark kind)?

Yours truly,
Hyper Harry

Dear Hyper Harry,

Sadly, this is a case you may not win. Humans need their sleep at night. You get to spend all day snoozing and they only get a few precious hours when the sun goes down. Your humans can, however, make sure that they understand why it is you're pouncing about and provide things to make nighttime more fun. For instance, your humans could consider getting a kitty condo or put out bags or boxes for you to explore. For extra credit, they can hide treats around the house so you can go on a midnight scavenger hunt. Or, if you're really lucky, they'll bring home a kitty best friend for you to play with whenever you please. Other cats might be up at night because they get hungry, in which case their humans could try an automatic food dispenser to provide small meals throughout the night. Remember, the more you let your humans sleep at night, the more energy they'll have to play with you during the day!

Kitty hugs,

Dear Morris,

My cat and I are BFFs. We do everything together – play, eat, snuggle – we make a purrfect team. But in the bedroom, I prefer to have my space. My cat, on the other hand, thinks there's no better place to sleep than right on my head! Why does she do this? I'm not all that fun when I'm sleeping.


Tired Tails

Dear Tired Tails,

You have been bestowed a great honor. As cats, we don't always wear our hearts on our paws, but one tell-tail sign we love and trust you is when we choose to make YOU our bed. Plus, you're warm. And getting our warmth from you helps us to conserve our own energy for more important things like eating. The rhythm of your breath also creates a calming effect and the curve of your face, stomach, or legs perfectly forms to our bodies. Basically, you're like a waterbed, heated blanket, and memory foam all in one! So the next time your cat goes to curl up on you, think of it as a compliment and drift off to sleep knowing you are loved... and you're very comfortable.

Thank you, Morris the Cat, for your wonderful nighttime tips! For more info on Morris' mission to help cats and humans live well – including his initiative to donate one million 9Lives meals to rescue kitties – check out his Live Well & Prospurr website. And while you're there, enter to win the limited-edition, human-sized Morris the Cat plush bed along with a year's supply of 9Lives!

Please like us on facebook so you can get updates, new giveaway listings, and more


  1. We have 4 cats 4 to 19 years old and they love to play with their stuffed cat nip toys.

  2. I have 2 indoor adult cats & 2 kittens. They love to play with a chirping plastic bird, furry mice, and a round thing that the ball rolls around in (forgot the name of it). I have many more feral cats outside that I am working to tame and get fixed as my finances allow.

  3. Our kitties sleep in all kinds of places. We have one furbaby named Tori and she loes sleeping ON me at night. Then Grey comes in and sleeps on me too and TomTom loves sleeping between my legs. Makes sleeping a challenge if you're not used to it, but it helps me to go to sleep and I love all 4 of my kitties' UNIQUENESSES.

  4. Our kitties sleep in all kinds of places. We have one furbaby named Tori and she loes sleeping ON me at night. Then Grey comes in and sleeps on me too and TomTom loves sleeping between my legs. Makes sleeping a challenge if you're not used to it, but it helps me to go to sleep and I love all 4 of my kitties' UNIQUENESSES.

  5. I have one cat and he loves playing with his little toy mice.

  6. I have 2 inside cats. They love to play with the wand toys and fuzzy balls!

  7. I have two cats and they like to sleep either on top of fridge or by heater vents

  8. I have two cats and the one loves to sleep inside any box she can find and the other loves to sleep in my shoes!

  9. I have 2 cats. They both love to sleep on or near my hubby

  10. I have 6 cats. One cat loves to sleep on the top of the chair in the living room. It is a pretty small place but she curls right up in a ball on top of the chair.

  11. I dont have any cats. My daughter has one and he likes to play with my granddaughters toys.He's a funny cat.

  12. I dont have any cats. My daughter has one and he likes to play with my granddaughters toys.He's a funny cat.

  13. We have a cat that sleeps under my husband's hand. She tries to get him to pet him all the time he is in bed.

  14. Our cat loves to play with a small piece of paper wadded up and using her paws to hit it around the floor

  15. I have 2 cats that are sisters born 4 mos apart. They will be 12 yrs old. Sally Ashes is a Nebelung & Bailey Ditty is a Siamese. They like playing with toy mice & headbands lol Jodi Wresh

  16. My cats favorite toys are mice with bells in it.

  17. I have two cats. My cats like to play with toy mice and bird on a wand.

  18. I have two female cats that are sisters and they love playing with flashing rubber rings that my daughter has

  19. I have 7 cats, and 1 kitten that are my rescued babies, and I have 12 cats outside that people in the housing development have dumped off that I have taken care of for 5 years now. Great thing about cats is anything can be a great toy. From empty toilet paper tubes to the caps of water bottles! I have 3 cat trees linked together, so they have lots to climb. I always have to watch my step when I wake up because you never know what the fur babies will find to play with over night.

  20. We have 2 cats and they like to play with stuffed mice

  21. we have one cat and he likes to play with his catnip mouse.

  22. I have 5 cats. They have lots of toys over the years but their favorite is a milk jug ring, balls of foil, string or wand toys, and of course us!

  23. I have one cat Oskar and he loves to play shoelaces.

  24. I have two indoor cats. Bear like to play with boxes and plastic bags and Phoebe likes to play with her stuffed mouse and plastic balls.

  25. No cats ... Just me and my pup ... Only family cat is my sister's ... Four footed people are all good.

  26. our cat gets on the blankets and works his way into where all you can see are his eyes otherwise he is always next to my son, or in the middle of the doorway! Enzo rules this household, in the summer when there is sun he is on the back of the couch

  27. I have six cats and their favorite toys are puff balls. I get them at Michaels in the craft section!

  28. I have one four legged fur beast. His favorite toy is a wand sort of thing that has a boa attached to the end. When I bring a new one home for him I find feathers all of the house for weeks!

  29. I have two cats my husband found them in my backyard,feeds them they play by themselves and live outdoors because I have a dog who is jealous.

  30. My daughter has two cats and their favorite toy are feather toys
    Thanks for the chance

  31. I have 2 cats, father and son. Their names are Charcoal who is 4 and Riff-Raff who is 3. Charcoal's favorite toy is his toy mouse. Riff-Raff's favorite toy is my slippers and my bedroom curtains.

  32. I only have 1 cat. As far as toys she doesn't really play with any. However, she does like to chase the laser beam.

  33. I have 6 cats and they love mice that rattle

  34. I have two cats. One prefers to play with drinking straws, and loves to "borrow" from my son's beverage. My other cat delights in playing with tiny little scraps of paper. Charlotte W.

  35. I have only one cat but he is awesome and he loves playing with anything sprinkled with Silverline which is kinda like catnip but better. I found it at PetSmart and he went wild over it. I love watching him play like that.... and another thing... he loves the laser light. He has actually panted after playing with the laser light. Love it.

  36. How cool, thank you Morris for sharing such wonderful information, My cats love to play with their catnip ball (I call it a drug for the and the other cat love to play with ribbons like toys that she can throw up in the air and catch, they are both a lot of fun

  37. 2 cats and they love to carry around hair ties and bows.

  38. My cats love catnip toys from Yeeowza.

  39. We have two cats (Zing, and Juno). Their favorite toy is one of those saucers things with the mouse inside that goes round and round, I don't know what it's called.

  40. I have one indoor cat and he loves chasing a laser more than he does any toy.I also have 5 feral kitties and they like catnip and the balls with bells in them.

  41. I have two cats, Fred and Ginger. Their favorite toy to play with are cat nip toys, it's fun to watch them.

  42. i only have one cat right now and he loves my bra.

  43. I have two cats and they love playing with the rabbit furred mice and any string they see

  44. My children have two cats. Their favorite toy is the laundry basket.

  45. We have one indoor cat named Juliet,her favorite toys are a blue rope that she carries around as if she's caught a snake and her very favorite is this little cheap,bright red mouse that we bought her a long time ago it's all ratty and beat up looking but she packs it around and makes a chirping noise when she acts like she's hunted "Red" down and caught him.

  46. i have 3 cats and they love homemade toys and boxes more than any toy ive ever bought.

  47. Felix will follow a string anywhere you want to lead him. Lugosi tries to get Ladybug to chase him, but she will have none of it. Anything on the floor becomes a toy, but they especially like balled up paper and aluminum foil.

  48. I have 9 rescued cats at this time. They love playing with their catnip mice and their little balls with bells in

  49. I have three cats, at night one sleeps under the covers, one sleeps on me, and another sleeps in a box by the bed. During the day, they sleep in all kinds of places- couch, chairs, boxes, closets, etc.

  50. We have a feral cat colony living at our house. Anywhere between 12 to 17. There favorite toys are little balls.

  51. I have one cat and his favorite toy is a little mouse made with rabbit fur that has seeds to rattle inside and a leather tail. He eats them if I don't keep careful watch over him. We go through a couple a month ;).

  52. I have one cat name Popper. Her favorite toy to play with is her squeaky mouse toy.

  53. Ha! Funny post.
    We have one cat, Crow, who turns his nose up at catnip and store-bought toys but goes crazy for crumpled up balls of paper. He's a lot of fun.

  54. We have 2 cats. Luci's favorite toy is a pipe cleaner that she likes twisted in a circle and to play fetch with it.

  55. We have three cats. The younger ones love anything and everything. The older doesn't play much but when he does its with a cat nipped papper bag.

  56. I have 13 old, elderly cats, and they like me as a toy...or slave.

  57. two cats. the younger one loves a stuff kitten that he grow up with. the older one doesn't really play lol

  58. I have one cat, Rufus, who is 8 years old. He likes playing with his toy mouse.

  59. My family & I have a total of 6 cats, and I have 5 cats outside that people in the housing area have chosen to leave outside. Often times they come over as guests and this prize would be wonderful. From time to time I dreamed of taking in other animals, so I always have to watch my funds of spending. Being that life has changed since an injury resulted from an accident I often have to wake up early and put on a light because inspite of a cats keen eyes at night I have to often get an early start.

  60. Yoshi loves to play with his squeaky mouse. He has never torn it up, but other toys have been destroyed.

  61. I have one cat who loves playing with her toy mice and bears.

  62. we have three cats and a house rabbit, who is a lot like a cat in some ways (fortunately, she's a lot quieter!!). they LOVE kickers - a toy they can grab and kick at and gnaw on, all of them will play with them.

  63. I have 3 cats, their favorite toys are not bought in stores, they love boxes and bread ties, lol.

  64. I have one cat named Tao. She sleeps in a lot of different places her favorite place is anywhere my forest green wool coat is. I try to remember to hang it up but don't always.

  65. I have one inside cat and three recently adopted outside cats. My inside cat he's lazy and doesn't play with anything. As for the outside cats they play with each other.

  66. My daughter takes in rescues but right now we are down to 7, 3 indoors and 4 outdoors. They love to play with any box they can find.

  67. I have 1 cat named Max. The only toy he ever played with was me!!

  68. I have one 5 month old kitten. She likes to play with catnip stuffed mice.

  69. We have one cat inside and 1 outside that showed up one day and never left so we started feeding him! The one inside loves playing with balls! The one outside loves "playing" with the birds! LOL He's cross-eyed though so he's never actually been able to catch one!

  70. I have 1 cat and she loves playing with string.

  71. I have two grandcats from my son. He adopted them when they were 2 months old from the SPCA then. My son died in a car accident right after so we naturally took the brothers in Wade and Lebron. They are 3 now. They love to play in boxes and chase the pug around. They bring a lot of joy to my son's death as this is all I will have left from him. I would love to win them some new play toys and foods. They need a scratching toy. Thank you.
    Debbie Burke Garretson Is My Facebook Name To Find Me. My son is Justin Gauron.

  72. I have two grandcats from my son. He adopted them when they were 2 months old from the SPCA then. My son died in a car accident right after so we naturally took the brothers in Wade and Lebron. They are 3 now. They love to play in boxes and chase the pug around. They bring a lot of joy to my son's death as this is all I will have left from him. I would love to win them some new play toys and foods. They need a scratching toy. Thank you.
    Debbie Burke Garretson Is My Facebook Name To Find Me. My son is Justin Gauron.

  73. I have 3 cats. Two of them sleep on me and the other likes to sleep in my daughters toy box. Thanks for this amazing giveaway. Amy Flecknoe Moyer

  74. I have 1 older cat. He likes to sleep in the bed.

  75. I have 2 kitties. Brother and sister. They love anything that included me running from room to room. I have 2 toys that are on a 4 foot stick with a 6 1/2 foot colored piece of knit material. I toss the material to one and then the other and of course they have to run in different directions. So I'm running in 2 different directions. But boy do they love it. So how can I say no!!!

  76. We have 3 cats. 2 girls and 1 boy. They love playing with those cat wands with stuff hanging off them. They jump up so high in the air trying to catch them!

  77. We have two cats, and they don't really like cat toys. But Pierre goes crazy when confronted with crumpled paper used as stuffing for packages. Oh the joy of that crumpled-up paper!

  78. My cat loves paper, especially coupons. She runs around with them in her mouth.

  79. I have two cats, they are brothers. The favorite toy (at the moment) is the small stuffed long tailed mice.

  80. I have just one furry baby, Husani...and his favorite toy, which isn't a traditional cat toy is a pair of ear muffs! I don't have the heart to take it away from him so I just let him enjoy carrying it from room to room and tossing it around...LOL

  81. I have 4 indoor only cats. Their favorite toys is a plush dog bone, tiny balls and any catnip toy.

  82. I have 2 house cats, Amy and Squeaky and 4 outside cats. Amy loves to play with a toy mouse, Squeaky is too lazy to play.

  83. We have one cat and he loves anything with string, but his favorite toy is his little fishing pole with a feather.

  84. I have one cat, and her favorite toy is my house bunny.

  85. I have 2 cats. The older one (Kitty) is two and she loves playing with toys that have feathers. Our other cat is 4 months old (Kit)and she loves playing with ALL toys. She has 3 favorite toys: a little red bird, a squeaky mouse and the dog's ball-she loves to play fetch.

  86. I have one cat but it feels like I have 5 :)
    His favorite toy? doors. :) for some reason he likes to lie at the foot of them and tuck his paws underneath them trying to get at whatever is on the other side of them.

  87. We have 2 all black brother Kitties. They just turned 2 years old and were born in our garage from a feral momma kitty. They like to chase each other around and play with their cat nip mice...they also love playing in empty cardboard boxes!

  88. My granddaughter has 3 cats they were all strays One od the things she like to do with is have a toy they chase.

  89. I have no cats But My best friend have 8 and She could definitely use this. her Cats like little play balls

  90. I have 1 cat named Jasmine Sue who is 14 1/2 & still full of spunk! Her favorite toy is candy wrappers preferably shiny--she loves them more than regular cat toys.

  91. I have 1 cat. He likes to play with moles in the yard ! Other than that he likes ribbon.

  92. I have 6 cats. Their favorite toy is the laser pointer, but the resulting stampede when they all try to chase it at once isn't really conducive to this. Second favorite thing is probably catnip mice.

  93. We have 2 indoor cats and 4 outside cats that were strays but have since adopted us. We put food out for the numerous neighborhood cats. I would love to bring them all inside but that is just not possible. We do try to give the outside kitties just as much love and attention as we do our indoor kitties. I am definitely a cat lover!

  94. I have one cat named Toby and his favorite toy is his mouse on a string that lights up and makes sounds.

  95. One cat, Maya, 14 1/2 yrs old. Mine since she was 5 weeks old 😍 Favorite toys is anything with feathers - she likes to clean them like they are kittens 😕

  96. We have 2 cats both sleep pretty much anywhere!!!

  97. We have 3 cats, Gizzy, Simba, and Lucy! They love to play with anything that is on the floor, hair ties..bread ties..shoelaces..they are crazy kitties!

  98. We have one cat, all black and all that!! So far Mojo (that's the cat's name) likes the drawstrings of my Sweetie's hoodie. Gracias for the giveaway; BB2U.

  99. i dont have any cats, just entering to donate to safe haven cat shelter and clinic. i think cats like the feather toys with catnip on the end

  100. My brother has a cat and he loves to play.

  101. I seem to be sharing my neighbors cat. He thinks he lives here also. I think he just needs to get away form the dog sometimes. He doesn't seem to like toys much, but sometimes plays with my yarn.

  102. I have 2 barn kitties and one indoor kitty. She likes to play with a laser light and also with boxes.

  103. We currently have one cat! Her favorite toy is a mouse on the end of a string!

  104. We have 4 cats, they love their catnip!

  105. I have 2 cats and they love to play with my pony tail holders better than their cat toys!! Rita Spratlen

  106. i have 1 cat now (Blackjack) who's getting up there in age and doesnt play much anymore but when she does it with a catnip mouse

  107. I have 2 cats and they don't have a favorite toy. But they do like to play with anything that's alive and moves or little pieces of paper on the floor. They're weird.

  108. I have 2 cats and they don't have a favorite toy. But they do like to play with anything that's alive and moves or little pieces of paper on the floor. They're weird.

  109. I have two cats, one likes to play with cats toys and the other likes to play with water bottle caps, milk rings, hair ties, anything that isn't a cat toy!

  110. We have 2 indoor cats and they love to play together. However, their favorite item to play with is any and all shoe strings. Word of advice...Dnt walk by them with your shoes on lol

  111. We have 2 indoor cats and they love to play together. However, their favorite item to play with is any and all shoe strings. Word of advice...Dnt walk by them with your shoes on lol

  112. i only have one right now and he just loves my bras/

  113. Our cats love plush catnip toys and jingle balls.

  114. We have 16 cats and they love playing with packing peanuts!

  115. We have 16 cats and they love playing with packing peanuts!

  116. We have one kitty her name is kitly and she loves to play with the dogs tail

  117. I have two cats and they love to play with catnip mice.

  118. We have one cat! He loves to play with this black rat toy he has.

  119. We have 3 cats and they love to chase the laser pointer or each other best

  120. I have one cat and he loves playing with his little toy mice.

  121. I have 5 cats and they love anything with catnip or string!

  122. We have 2 rescued (from the outside) kitties...Miss Jerrie and Ninja. They like to play with anything on the floor...a twist tie, their toys, a balled up piece of paper, AIR, their name it! Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist (at)

  123. I have one adorable black and white cat. His favorite toy is a gray toy mouse that I put on a rope tied to a stick (kind of like a mini fishing pole). He loves to chase it.

  124. My cats, Sam and Henry, seem able to turn nearly ANYTHING into a game or toy! Some of their favorite "makeshift toys" are paper-wraped plastic straws, YARN!!!!, shiny gift-wrap-bows, and..... BOXES!!!!!!!!

  125. My spoiled cat, Chloe the Fierce, is an only-cat at this time. My 19 yr old guy, Moon-Unit, died from late-stage kidney failure. Her favorite toy is catnip mice. I make them and over-stuff 'em with organic catnip.

  126. My mom has 1 cat. And she likes to play with those round balls with the bell in the middle.

  127. I have 2 cats who are brothers and 2 1/2 years old. They still love to play and wrestle with each other. One likes to sleep on top of me for an hour or so.

  128. Adorable post! We have 4 cats and they all love to play with bits of paper they find around the house. And yes, sometimes in the middle of the night. :)

  129. We've got 2 cats and they love playing with everything they're not supposed to!

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. We rescued 4 cats: Punkin, Scooter, Callie, & Tigger Too. Their favorite toy is a furry rat (actually a dog toy). They toss it up into the air and catch it, then beat it up. They take turns (baby Scooter goes first).

  132. i I have one cat his name is Oreo his favorite toy is his kat kicker and a ball with a bell in it I roll it to him he rolls it back to me.

  133. We have 13 cats and their favorite toys are nip filled cat toys from the Catching Lizards web site!

  134. Those cat memes are fantastic haha! I have two cats, Gizmo and Gemma. They like to play with anything, especially crinkly paper. I have a strip of Christmas wrapping paper on the floor that they really like to scamper around on and shred.

  135. Our cat likes to play with a feather on a string that we twirl around.

  136. With 3 cats they all have different toys they like, but they all love catnip toys.

  137. My cat Gigi loves to play with her catnip mouse.

    slehan at juno dot com

  138. I have 3 cats. They will be 1 years old in March. Their favorite toys are catnip mice!

  139. We have 4 cats - 2 Siamese, an orange tabby, and a gray tabby. We did have 5, but my Smokie died in January. They love playing with the tiny stuff animal tied to a shoelace. They got nuts over it!

  140. I have 4 cats! They love to play with all kinds of toys. Their favorite toys are small toy balls! They all love to play so much!

  141. I have 1 cat named Houdini and his favorite toy is his "mousebird" - basically a mouse body with feathered tail on a string.

  142. I have one cat and his favorite toy is a feather on a stick toy.

  143. we have 4 cat's and them my moms friend moved in and she has 4 cat's so now there are 8 cat's in the house. they like all kid of toys but there favorites are one you don't buy in the store but they find around the house like i have one cat that loves pin's and keeps stilling mine.

  144. We have 4 kitties right now. I love every one of them. The strangest place my cats have slept is in the br sink .

  145. I have two cats. One is 2 years old and one is 1. The two year old loves to play with taped up bubble wrap and carry it around like it is her kitten. Also, all of her toys must go in her water dish. Our youngest one loves to play with balled up foil wrappers. Can play for hours.

  146. 2 cats CG and Smokey their favorite toys are catnip mice

  147. I have 2 cats they love Anything with bells or strings on it!

  148. I have 2 cats they love Anything with bells or strings on it!

  149. I have only 1 cat right now. But she thinks she is one of the dogs. She plays with anything & everyyhing. She loves to attack legs as someone walks by

  150. I have two 6 month old kittens and they love the Grumpy cat toy we have for them! It's a little stuffed Grumpy cat and they carry it everywhere!

  151. I have 3 indoor kitties Andie Pandie, Peri Winkle, and Susie Cute. Peri likes to hide under a small table with a cover on it to sleep. Susie likes to get inside the sofa and sleep, and Andie likes to sleep in my pot and pans cabinet.

  152. My 3 babies love to play with foil balls, strings, twist ties and their battery operated toy that goes around with a tail sticking out.

  153. We have 4 kitties and their favorite play toy is me, mommy!

  154. I have three cats and their favorite thing is to ignore their many mice toys and chase the grandbabies toys all over the house.

  155. I have 3 cats. Jewel loves to play with the furry mice that have the hard shell - she wont play with stuffed ones. Harley loves to play with balls (bonus points if they have a bell in them), and Oliver plays with everything - he is particularly fond of unstuffed fabric toys.

  156. i have two cats who love their catnip!

  157. i have 4 cats, one loves anything at all,one doesnt like anything at all, one loves anything that jingles and one loves only these little rattles for baby showers they sell at dollar tree. They all love cat nip

  158. I have one cat but 4 outdoor cats, I'm trying to get homes for.

  159. I have 2 cats. One loves to play with any plush toy filled with catnip and the other cat ball toys.

  160. I have two cats, and both seem to have a passion for feathery toys.

  161. We have 1 cat that loves his catnip fish toy, thanks!

    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  162. We have 2 cats, one loves to play with a chirpy bird and the other one likes foam

  163. We have three cats- one kitten and two adult cats. The oldest cat loves his catnip filled shoe toy and slobbers all over it. The second cat like a feather we put on a string. The kitten likes just to bounce right now.

  164. I have 1 cat and her favorite toy to play with is a remote control mouse I use

  165. I have one cat (Abby) and her favorite thing to play with is any sort of string or ribbon!

  166. My mom has 4 cats. They love to play with anything, from balls to yarn, to knocking random things off the shelves.
