Teleflora $75 Gift Code Guest Giveaway
Ends 5/11 US & Canada
Sponsored by Teleflora and Hosted by Powered By Mom
Teleflora has beautiful bouquets hand arranged by your local florists. With over 13,000 florist members in the US alone, I can almost guarantee there is a Teleflora flower shop near you! They offer same day delivery (how cool is that) and have an arrangement for any occasion you could think of! Go HERE and see what Powered By Mom writer, Beth, thought of her arrangements from Teleflora!
One lucky reader will win a $75 Gift code to Teleflora (Valid thru 5/16/17) PLUS FREE delivery!
Giveaway ends 5/11! Open to US & Canadian residents 18+ and older.
Enter using the Giveaway form below.
Be sure to return tomorrow to complete the daily entries!
Good Luck!
i would for sure buy them for my mom!!! she is a great mother grandmother and fur baby mamma
ReplyDeletethese would be for my mother
ReplyDeleteProbably on my mom.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite flowers to receive are surprise flowers! haha...the kind of flowers I like most are probably daisies.
ReplyDeleteI would use it for my mom! My email is
ReplyDeleteI love to get lilies and tulips!
ReplyDeleteI would purchase flowers for my Mom.
ReplyDeleteI like to receive roses.
ReplyDeleteI would use it to get flowers for my mom.
ReplyDeleteI would use this for a gift for my best friend who has done so much for me.
ReplyDeleteFor my mom and grandmother!
I would buy flowers for my sweet mother. She is 87. I love her so. She is the kindest, most generous person I have ever known. :)
ReplyDeleteI would use it for my mom, some surprise flowers would definitely brighten her day.
ReplyDeleteI would use these for my daughter. She is a great Mom for my grandson. As a single Mom, she puts him and his needs first in everything and this would be a beautiful way to show her how proud I am of her.