

Thursday, September 30, 2010

google reader..

So, silly post. I decided to set my google reader as my home page. You can add all the nifty widgets like weather, politics, and of course giveaway blogs there. I love it. Since I probably spend 50% of my computer time "googling" things anyway- why not.

Heres the deal. I need more giveaway blogs to add there. I have added a few of my favorites...and had some that I had forgotten about. Some I deleted because of lack of activity. I am terrible about this too, life gets so busy I simply forget about my blog :) Lol...

Anyway- if you have an active giveaway/discount blog and have the option to add it to my google reader, please post the link here. I would love to learn more about you!! :)

I was very disapointed to see that some of my favorite blogs do not have this option. As a matter of a fact, I don't maybe I should see about adding it!

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